Recording (1 hour)

Get your song professionally recorded by our engineer. (Booking online is limited to 2 days in advance, if you need in quicker get in touch with us! 780-678-6743)

Recording (2 hours)

Get your song professionally recorded by our engineer. (Booking online is limited to 2 days in advance, if you need in quicker get in touch with us! 780-678-6743)

Recording (3 hours)

Get your song professionally recorded by our engineer. (Booking online is limited to 2 days in advance, if you need in quicker get in touch with us! 780-678-6743)

Recording (4 hours)

Get your song professionally recorded by our engineer. (Booking online is limited to 2 days in advance, if you need in quicker get in touch with us! 780-678-6743)

Recording (5 hours)

Get your song professionally recorded by our engineer. (Booking online is limited to 2 days in advance, if you need in quicker get in touch with us! 780-678-6743)